Unable to Work
If you have an illness, injury, or other condition that is disabling and your doctor tells you that you can no longer work, you may be eligible for Social Security Disability benefits and medical care. If your mental health or physically disabling condition will prevent you from working for at least 12 consecutive months, you should apply for benefits available from the Social Security Administration. Do not wait to apply for benefits, the process can take two years from application to favorable decision. As soon as you and your doctors determine you cannot work, apply for SSD and SSI benefits.
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Start A Free EvaluationDisabled Due to a Mental Illness
Psychological, emotional, and behavioral patterns that affect functioning can be disabling. There are a wide variety of symptoms associated with mental health conditions, but some include irrationality, irritability, inability to focus, and intense sadness. Many mental health conditions may qualify as disabling conditions. Some of them are:
• Depression
• Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
• Panic Disorder
• Schizophrenia and Paranoia Disorders
If you are unable to work due to a mental illness, you should consider applying for Social Security Disability Benefits. The Social Security Administration (SSA) will look at your case individually to determine if your condition is severe enough to qualify for benefits. It is critical that you are in regular treatment for your condition, including following doctors’ orders and taking all prescribed medication. This will help support your claim for disability.
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Physical conditions may also qualify for Social Security Disability. A physical disability may be the result of an injury due to a work or car accident or a physical condition that has deteriorated and prevents you from continuing to work. There are a great number of potentially eligible conditions, such as:
• Arthritis
• Autoimmune Disorders
• Chronic pain
• Cancer
• Heart Disease
• Fibromyalgia
• Gastrointestinal Disorders
• Head Injuries and Traumas
• Liver Disease
• Parkinson’s Disease
• Respiratory Disorders
• Orthopedic Injuries
You need an attorney with the experience and dedication to give your case the care it deserves.
Start A Free EvaluationQualifying Conditions
While the SSA has a standardized list of qualifying conditions, it is important to remember that any medical condition that prevents you from working may result in a favorable decision. The Social Security disability lawyers at Berger and Green have secured favorable decisions for clients with both mental and physical disabilities.
There are many more potentially qualifying conditions and injuries. If you think that you might qualify for Social Security Disability, call Berger and Green at 1-(412) 661-1400 for a free consultation about your case. The lawyers at Berger and Green represent clients with physical conditions and mental illness in claims for SSD and SSI benefits.
Free case evaluations • NO attorneys’ fees or costs unless we recover a settlement, benefits, or verdict in your case • We can initiate your case by phone or e-mail – CALL today (412) 661-1400 or Contact us online