A Las Vegas fire department is warning parents about the dangers of garden hoses after they witnessed a young child get severely burned a few years ago.
While the accident happened in 2016, the dangers are still present.
Leaving a garden hose outside exposed to direct sun, can cause the left over water inside to get very hot. A young child suffered serious burn injuries when his mother was filling up his pool. She playfully sprayed the boy, not realizing the water hot. The child was scalded by the water that immediately came out of the hose.
The fire department says the internal temperature of those hoses can reach 130-140 degrees, causing serious burns to people and animals.
It is very important to let the water run for a few minutes before letting anyone touch the water.
Although most parents and children look forward to summer weather, it is also the time of year when unexpected accidents can occur the most. Boats, playgrounds and pools are just a few of the places children get injured the most during the summer. Fortunately, most of these accidents can be avoided if parents plan ahead of time and follow some basic safety tips.
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Source: ksat.com, “Fire department warns of burns from water in garden hoses”