DuBois Personal Injury Lawyer

How Much Will I Receive with a Personal Injury Claim?
DuBois Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

If you or a family member was out for a simple walk that ended in a trip to the hospital due to someone else’s negligence, you may be eligible for compensation for medical bills, lost income, pain and suffering, and more. A lawyer from Berger and Green who handles pedestrian accident cases in DuBois, PA, can investigate your case, determine who is liable, and hold them to account in a personal injury claim or lawsuit.
How a Lawyer From...
DuBois Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

A DuBois motorcycle accident lawyer from Berger and Green can help you seek financial recovery after you suffered injuries or lost a loved one. Pennsylvania’s personal injury laws allow motorcyclists to recover compensation by holding the driver who caused their crash accountable. Our team will evaluate the strength of your motorcycle accident case and offer our assessment of your legal options. Our consultations are free, confidential, and there...
DuBois Disability Application Lawyer

You may need help applying for Social Security Disability benefits because you cannot maintain substantial gainful employment. You may already have received a denial of your application. In these situations, a DuBois disability application lawyer may be able to help. The attorneys of Berger and Green can...