Nine people are killed each day in the U.S due to distracted driving. It is now one of the leading causes of death in an accident. Talking on your cell phone, texting or surfing the internet are all examples of distracted driving.
Fortunately, something is being done to help avoid these accidents from happening. Applications (Apps) for smartphones have been created to prevent texts, calls, emails and more from distracting the driver.
Below are four apps that have been reviewed and recommended by dmv.org and Honk.com.
- LifeSaver: Uses a GPS monitoring system and reward system to help drivers with their dangerous driving habits. The app disables cell phone use while driving and lets loved ones know when you have arrived safely to your destination. The app also has a driver portal for parents to help teen drivers with safe driving habits.
- AT&T DriveMode: The app blocks all calls and texting features. The app can be set up to automatically start when driving over 15 mph. The app is user friendly and runs smoothly. You can also program it to send a message to anyone calling or texting you saying that you are behind the wheel and will call them when you can.
- TrueMotion Family: The app has a unique feature called “trip score.” Each time you are driving, the app uses a rating scale for your overall drive. It also pinpoints exact moments where you may have been distracted. You can compare driving sores with your family as well as review trip history. This app is especially helpful for family’s with new drivers.
- One Tap: The app prohibits you from texting while you are driving and manages your texts and calls while you are on the road. If someone sends you a text or calls, the app will automatically respond to the person by text letting them know you are currently driving and unable to text them back.
40+ years of experience from strong, knowledgeable, compassionate attorneys.
Start A Free EvaluationThese apps were created to help save lives. Distracted driving is a major contributing factor to motor vehicle accidents. Sadly, the number of accidents and deaths related to distracted driving are continuing to grow. We urge you to consider downloading one of these applications to help keep yourself and others safe on the road.
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Contact Us Now For HelpIf you or a loved one were injured in an accident caused by a distracted driver, contact the personal injury attorneys at Berger and Green. Our attorneys will provide you with a free no obligation consultation to evaluate your case. Call 412-661-1400 to speak with an attorney today.
Source: DMV.org, “Apps to Fight Distracted Driving”