Pittsburgh Brain Tissue Infection Attorneys
Suffering a dog bite could compromise your health, and a brain tissue infection is one of the serious health consequences that may arise after an animal attack. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with meningitis and believe that an animal bite is the cause, then you may be owed compensation for medical expenses and other losses. You may hire a Pittsburgh meningitis, infection of brain tissue lawyer to handle your lawsuit or insurance claim.
Call Berger and Green today at (412) 661-1400 for a free consultation about how we may serve you after an animal attack.
40+ years of experience from strong, knowledgeable, compassionate attorneys.
Start A Free EvaluationPotential Health Consequences of a Dog Bite
Whether you were bitten by a dog or another type of animal, you may suffer severe and long-lasting health consequences. If you or a loved one has suffered from meningitis, consider that it may be the result of a dog bite or another type of animal-caused wound.
The Mayo Clinic notes that meningitis is a brain infection that may be caused by the introduction of bacteria, parasites, or other harmful entities into your bloodstream. This type of infection may originate from an animal’s mouth. Mayo Clinic also notes that symptoms of meningitis include:
- Neck stiffness
- Loss of appetite
- Loss of thirst
- Pounding headache
- Seizures
- Changes in your mental state
- Rash or rash-like symptoms
- Fever
Meningitis generally means that the membranes in your brain and around your spinal cord are inflamed. Ignoring the symptoms of meningitis could lead to death, permanent brain damage, and other serious health outcomes.
Another type of infection that could come from an animal bite is referred to as Capnocytophaga. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that this sort of infection may cause:
- Blistering around the area where you were bit
- Pain in your muscles or joints
- Sepsis, a dangerous result of untreated infection
The CDC also states that Capnocytophaga infections are generally the result of a bite from a cat or dog. Whether you develop an infection or not from an animal attack, you could be entitled to compensation for the unwanted consequences of the incident.
Bite-Related Healthcare Costs Can Add Up
If you are bitten by an animal, then you may face several healthcare-related expenses that would not have been necessary were it not for the attack. Those costs may include:
- One or more shots, which could include tetanus (as explained by the Cleveland Clinic) and rabies shots
- Antibiotics, which may be prescribed or purchased over-the-counter
- The cost of visiting a doctor
- The cost of bandages and other first-aid materials
If the wound becomes infected, then your healthcare costs could increase drastically. You may require a period of hospitalization, numerous doctor’s visits, and other potentially costly measures to treat and monitor your infection and any secondary conditions that the infection causes.
The costs that stem from an animal bite could be the responsibility of the animal’s owner, as well as any others who contributed to the attack. A Pittsburgh meningitis, infection of brain tissue lawyer may be able to assess your losses and seek the compensation that you should be entitled to. Call Berger and Green today at (412) 661-1400 for a free consultation.
We know you’re hurting. We can help. Free case evaluations, home and hospital visits.
Contact Us Now For HelpThe Potential Benefits of Hiring a Lawyer
If you or a loved one has suffered a serious infection or another injury because of an animal bite, then you may be in no shape to take on the responsibilities necessary to complete a lawsuit. Hiring a lawyer could allow you to seek the compensation that you deserve without taking attention away from your recovery or caring for a loved one.
Your lawyer may take several initial steps when they become your representative. These may include:
- Familiarizing themselves with the facts of your bite and injuries
- Reviewing your medical records
- Organizing your medical records and documentation of your injuries
- Collecting any other evidence that is relevant to your lawsuit
- Explaining to you their plan for pursuing compensation
In certain cases, an animal attack may be covered by some type of insurance. If this is the case for you, then your lawyer can deal with the insurance companies and attempt to negotiate a fair settlement. In other cases, you may need to bring a lawsuit if you hope to receive compensation from at-fault parties.
A lawyer can handle the bulk of your lawsuit, which may include:
- Itemizing every loss that you have suffered
- Assigning a value to individual and total losses
- Drafting and filing your lawsuit
- Filing any other paperwork necessary to complete your lawsuit
- Attending hearings, court dates, and other necessary appearances on your behalf
- Negotiating a settlement with attorneys for defendants named in your lawsuit
- Taking the steps necessary to complete your lawsuit
- Filing an appeal on your behalf if it is necessary
Throughout their time as your legal representative, your lawyer will defend your rights, provide advice and strategy, and provide the legal services that you need to complete your lawsuit.
Compensation That You Could Collect
If your lawyer negotiates a settlement or you win a judgment, then you may receive compensation for your animal bite-related losses. These losses could include the cost of:
- Vaccinations
- Wound cleaning
- Bandages and other medical supplies
- Hospitalization
- Any other medical care required to treat an injury or infection
- Lost income
- Permanent symptoms of a wound or infection
- Scarring and disfigurement
- Diminished earning capacity
Any loss that has come as the result of an animal bite could be covered by awards from a settlement or judgment.
You need an attorney with the experience and dedication to give your case the care it deserves.
Start A Free EvaluationCall Berger and Green Today
A lawyer could be the advocate you deserve in the wake of an animal attack. They will aim to hold the pet owner and other at-fault parties responsible for the harm that they have caused you to suffer.
Call Berger and Green today at (412) 661-1400 to learn more about why you may want to hire a Pittsburgh meningitis, infection of brain tissue lawyer.